Facts About Ohio

Area: 116,103 sq km (44,828 sq mi); rank: 34th.
Capital and largest city: Columbus (1992 est. pop., 643,000).
Counties: 88.
Elevations: highest--472 m (1,549 ft), at Campbell Hill; lowest--139 m (455 ft), at the Ohio River.

Population (1993 est.): 11,091,000; rank: 7th; density: 104.6 persons per sq km (270.8 per sq mi).
Distribution (1990): 74.1% urban, 25.9% rural.
Average annual change (1990-93): +0.06%.

Public enrollment (1992): elementary--1,282,466; secondary--513,952; higher--437,000.
Nonpublic enrollment (1989): elementary and secondary--263,379; higher (1992)--136,000.
Institutions of higher education (1992): 165.

State personal income (1993): $218.4 billion; rank: 7th.
Median family income (1989): $34,351; rank 22d.
Nonagricultural labor distribution (1993):
manufacturing--1,049,000 persons; wholesale and retail trade--1,173,000; government--737,000; services--1,277,000; transportation and public utilities--214,000; finance, insurance, and real estate--259,000; construction--184,000.
Agriculture: income (1992)--$4.2 billion.
Lumber production (1991): 295 million board feet.
Mining (nonfuel): value (1993)--$814 million.
Manufacturing: value added (1991)--$78.9 billion.
Services: value (1987)--$42.4 billion.

Governor: George V. Voinovich, Republican.
U.S. Congress: Senate--1 Democrat, 1 Republican; House--6 Democrats, 13 Republicans.
Electoral college votes: 21.
State legislature: 33 senators, 99 representatives.

Statehood: Mar. 1, 1803; the 17th state.
Nickname: Buckeye State.
Bird: cardinal.
Flower: scarlet carnation.
Tree: buckeye.
Motto: "With God All Things Are Possible."
Song: "Beautiful Ohio.

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